Hellenic Journal of Geosciences

About the journal

Prof. M. Mitzopoulos launched Annales Géologiques des Pays Hélléniques in 1942, with the aim of providing a medium for publication of well-prepared manuscripts of geological interest. Since its foundation, various currents of paleontology, stratigraphy, geomorphology, tectonics, geophysics, seismology, mineralogy, geochemistry were represented in contents of the journal. 

Nowadays, Hellenic Journal of Geosciences (former Annales Géologiques des Pays Hélléniques) covers a wide spectrum of geological disciplines including geodynamics, tectonicsstratigraphy, geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, sedimentology, paleogeography, paleoceanography, paleoecology, micropaleontology, environmental micropaleontology, paleobiology and paleontology, magnetostratigraphy and other branches of applied geophysics, economic and environmental geology, experimental and theoretical geoscientific studies.

Submission of a manuscript implies that the article is original, unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers are judged on the originality of their data, interpretations, and ideas, and on the degree to which their findings can be generalized. All papers are subject to peer reviews. Articles accepted for publication are usually published in order of submission.

Hellenic Journal of Geosciences (ISSN: 1105-0004) is published by the University of Athens, twice a year. The University of Athens, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment performs the distribution of the journal, up to date it is distributed in 200 libraries and Institutes in Europe, 103 in Greece and 66 in the rest of the world.